EMS61000-5D CCITT 雷擊產生器
滿足 IEC/EN 61000-4-5 10/700 μs的測試要求
編 號:EMS61000-5D

EMS61000-5D CCITT 雷擊產生器


Meets the requirements of IEC 61000-4-5

Imported switch that has long lifetime, stable and accurate waveform

The surge voltage is high up to 6.0 KV, SO as to perform super high severlty test

Aduustable voltage, stable performance and simple operation

waveform paramelters of open-circuit voltage 10/700 μs

waveform parameters 5/320 μs

Max. peak voltage 6.0 KV

Outside mode: 15 Ω±5Ω

Inside Mode : 40 Ω±5Ω

Polarrlty : Positive / Negative